Stainless steel sieves and mats

reinforcement mats

Structural elements made of stainless steel are very often used in various industries. The production of this kind of elements is carried out by the experienced company Perfopol, which is extremely popular internationally. We are able to offer our numerous clients, among others, elements such as steel sheets of perforated sheets. The customer can choose the type of perforation that we will perform on the surface of the sheets he has ordered. Of course, Perfopol also carries out special services such as reinforcement mats, thanks to which you will receive a unique steel structure that will be fully adapted to individual needs. We provide services such as bending pipes on request at very affordable prices. We are also a producer of special reinforcement mats, which are used in the broadly understood industry. At attractive prices, we also sell all our products, which, apart from steel sheets and sieves, include all types of braided, welded and drawn nets. We are also a producer of various types of steel platforms and special profiles made of aluminum.

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